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Commander X16 Community

Information and discussion about the Commander X16 Microcomputer.

Commander X16GS FAQ

On March 16, 2025, David Murry, aka The 8-Bit Guy, hosted a Live Stream on Facebook. In it, he showed the current CX16GS prototype, which is very different, but still compatible, with the baseline Commander X16.

What is the Commander X16GS (aka Gen-2)?

The CX16GS is the second version of the Commander X16 motherboard. This is designed to be more of a console type layout, and it will fit a dedicated console style case.

This is a phyiscally smaller board that leverages surface-mount technology and FPGA, and there are a few functional differences from the Dev board.

New Features and upgrades:

Stuff that is not changing:

Other notes:

Notes from Texelec

Hey Everyone, I’m super excited for the next gen X16! As David mentioned, we waffled a bit on whether or not we should announce the system this early in the game, but I really want to keep the community engaged in the process. I’m already planning one major change in addition to moving the YM2151 into the FPGA, but I’ll leave that vague for now. I built some proto HW to test a few things, so more on that later. Just be advised, this system is not final by a long-shot, but the choice of 816 and the 32mb of DRAM will remain!

David said 16mb in his video, but it’s actually a 32mb DRAM chip. I did this because I wanted 16mb in 16-bit mode, but I still wanted to keep the 2mb bank no matter which mode you are in. This ~should~ keep software compatible, even in 16-bit mode. Ideally. That said, this means about 14mb of hidden RAM is lurking in the background, oh what could we do with that? MooingLemur came up with an interesting idea to swap ROM into RAM, but there are many things which could be done. I mean, within reason, of-course. 🙂

I made a small change to the memory map. Currently, the YM2151 lives @ $9F40 & $9F41. However, some of you may have noticed that it also rolls all the way up to $9F5F. IE, 42 & 43 are the same as 40 & 41, etc. I am guessing most everyone addresses them @ 40 & 41, but I left the wrap in-effect up to $9F4F on Gen1, just in case anyone had used higher addresses. Sorry if you used $9F5x for the YM.

The UART is in the FPGA, and lives @ $9F50-$9F57. The SAM2695 is on the bus @ $9F58-$9F59. $9F5A-$9F5D are reserved for now.

The interesting ones are $9F58-$9F59. The system registers which are built into the FPGA. This is where we will be able to do some cool stuff! Right now, none of this implemented. It’s just working as a stock X16 more or less. But below is what we are planning for now:

Dev board and GS board side by side

Dev board and GS board side by side